Κ.Φέστα-Ε.Μπαλταδάκη : Θ.Ε.Π. 2015, Blue Grotto (Malta). Γ.Αντωνιάδης : Ναύπλιον, 5 κανόνια !!! Δ.Δούκας : Ζαγοροχώρια, Αύγουστος 2015 !!!=========================
Η μεγάλη των Σασιτων Σχολή : Κωνσταντίνου Γεώργιος
Georgios Konstantinou : Dr George N Konstantinou is a Military Doctor in the Greek Army, currently the Head of the Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology at the 424 General Military Training Hospital in Thessaloniki, Greece. ADJUNCT ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Pediatrics, Allergy and Immunology Email georgios.n.konstantinou@mssm.edu“ Biography He received his M.D. degree from the Military Medical…
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